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The allrounder release agent for all baked goods

UNIFERM Trennöl 100 is a high-quality release agent that creates an excellent adhesive film no matter which baking form geometry it is applied to. It easily helps to release tin-baked goods rich in sugar and protein as well as any other baked goods.

How to use: as needed


  1. allrounder release agent
  2. perfect for sticky baked goods (rich in sugar and protein)
  3. good adhesion even to warm, angular or steep tins and boxes


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.60300 Content10 l Packaging materialBag in Box (PE-foil in carton box) Palletising60 units
2 layers, each with 4 Units;
1 layer with 2 units
Weight of pallet600 l; 552 kg (netto)
Art.No.60350 Content215 l Packaging materialMetal drum Palletising2 drums
1 layer with 2 drums
Weight of pallet430 l; 395,6 kg (netto)
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UNIFERM Trennöl 100

The allrounder release agent for all baked goods

UNIFERM Trennöl 100 is a high-quality release agent that creates an excellent adhesive film no matter which baking form geometry it is applied to. It easily helps to release tin-baked goods rich in sugar and protein as well as any other baked goods.

How to use: as needed


  1. allrounder release agent
  2. perfect for sticky baked goods (rich in sugar and protein)
  3. good adhesion even to warm, angular or steep tins and boxes


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.60300 Content10 l Packaging materialBag in Box (PE-foil in carton box) Palletising60 units
2 layers, each with 4 Units;
1 layer with 2 units
Weight of pallet600 l; 552 kg (netto)
Art.No.60350 Content215 l Packaging materialMetal drum Palletising2 drums
1 layer with 2 drums
Weight of pallet430 l; 395,6 kg (netto)


You’d like to receive additional information about UNIFERM?
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

post box 1661
59359 Werne

Telephone: 02389 7978-0 E-Mail: