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Spelt convinces with its full and distinct flavour. UNIFERM Royal Dinkel-Rühr helps to produce muffins and tray cakes and many other spelt pound cake products which are evoking the flavour of the good old times. A moist crumb and loan-lasting freshness are ensured by the good swelling quality of spelt flour. Its excellent carrying capacity even when heavily loaded is an additional plus.  As this baking mix does not contain any foreign fats, it can be declared as butter baked goods.

How to use: 100 %


  1. fine nutty spelt flavour
  2. excellent carrying capacity of heavy loads
  3. can be declared as butter baked goods as it contains no foreign fat
  4. long-lasting freshness due to good swelling properties of spelt flour


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.85246 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bags
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto)
) [icon] => Array ( [0] => natuerlich ) [style] => [class] => mod_article first last )
UNIFERM RoyalRühr Dinkel

Spelt convinces with its full and distinct flavour. UNIFERM Royal Dinkel-Rühr helps to produce muffins and tray cakes and many other spelt pound cake products which are evoking the flavour of the good old times. A moist crumb and loan-lasting freshness are ensured by the good swelling quality of spelt flour. Its excellent carrying capacity even when heavily loaded is an additional plus.  As this baking mix does not contain any foreign fats, it can be declared as butter baked goods.

How to use: 100 %


  1. fine nutty spelt flavour
  2. excellent carrying capacity of heavy loads
  3. can be declared as butter baked goods as it contains no foreign fat
  4. long-lasting freshness due to good swelling properties of spelt flour


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.85246 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bags
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto)


You’d like to receive additional information about UNIFERM?
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

post box 1661
59359 Werne

Telephone: 02389 7978-0 E-Mail: