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UNIFERM Amerikaner helps to produce moist batters for half-moon cookies of soft crumb texture, a pleasantly quick bite and balanced flavour. The constant optimal batter consistency ensures the economical processing in dosing and filling systems.  Variable baking is done in deck or rack ovens. When cooled off, the products can be easily removed from the baking tray or paper. Due to the higher water amount compared to similar products the baked goods retain freshness longer. Also suitable for many other ideas of tray cakes.

How to use: 100%


  1. tender crumb, quick bite and balanced flavour
  2. easy to remove from baking tray or paper
  3. excellent freshness due to significantly higher water amount
  4. also suitable for tray cakes


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.85221 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bags
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto)
) [style] => [class] => mod_article first last )
UNIFERM Amerikaner

UNIFERM Amerikaner helps to produce moist batters for half-moon cookies of soft crumb texture, a pleasantly quick bite and balanced flavour. The constant optimal batter consistency ensures the economical processing in dosing and filling systems.  Variable baking is done in deck or rack ovens. When cooled off, the products can be easily removed from the baking tray or paper. Due to the higher water amount compared to similar products the baked goods retain freshness longer. Also suitable for many other ideas of tray cakes.

How to use: 100%


  1. tender crumb, quick bite and balanced flavour
  2. easy to remove from baking tray or paper
  3. excellent freshness due to significantly higher water amount
  4. also suitable for tray cakes


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.85221 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bags
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto)


You’d like to receive additional information about UNIFERM?
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

post box 1661
59359 Werne

Telephone: 02389 7978-0 E-Mail: