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UNIFERM Mohnback is the ready mix that helps to produce poppyseed fillings which remain stable when baked and contain a high yet balanced level of poppyseeds. UNIFERM Mohnback excels with its great processing quality and spreadability.
How to use: 1.000 kg UNIFERM Mohnback to 0.900-1.000 kg water
- best processing quality
- good spreadability
- pleasant poppyseed flavour
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.85020 Content10 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising60 bags
7 layers, each with 8 bags;
1 1 layer with 4 bagsWeight of pallet600 kg (netto)
UNIFERM Mohnback
Ready mix to produce poppyseed fillings that remain stable when baked
UNIFERM Mohnback is the ready mix that helps to produce poppyseed fillings which remain stable when baked and contain a high yet balanced level of poppyseeds. UNIFERM Mohnback excels with its great processing quality and spreadability.
How to use: 1.000 kg UNIFERM Mohnback to 0.900-1.000 kg water
- best processing quality
- good spreadability
- pleasant poppyseed flavour
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.85020 | Content10 kg | Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner | Palletising60 bags 7 layers, each with 8 bags; 1 1 layer with 4 bags |
Weight of pallet600 kg (netto) |