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This premix can be used in different applications and helps to ensure the production of moist and fresh bread specialties of a subtle potato flavour. The especially moist crumb retains freshness until the last slice has been eaten.
How to use: 30-50% to flour, 20-30% to dough
- flexible use – can be added to flour or kneaded into the dough
- ideal for potato baked goods – perfect premix for varied potato baked goods
- moist-fresh crumb – long natural freshenss of the baked goods
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.81600 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag wit PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bagsWeight of pallet750 kg (netto)
Variable premix to produce potato baked goods
This premix can be used in different applications and helps to ensure the production of moist and fresh bread specialties of a subtle potato flavour. The especially moist crumb retains freshness until the last slice has been eaten.
How to use: 30-50% to flour, 20-30% to dough
- flexible use – can be added to flour or kneaded into the dough
- ideal for potato baked goods – perfect premix for varied potato baked goods
- moist-fresh crumb – long natural freshenss of the baked goods
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.81600 | Content25 kg | Packaging materialPaperbag wit PE-inliner | Palletising30 bags 10 layers, each with 3 bags |
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto) |