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Baking agent for wheat mix breads and white breads.

Wheat-rich breads looking fresh and enticing promising high pleasure are top sellers in every bakery.

UNIFERM WeizenKraft is the failproof baking agent especially for the production of wheat breads and wheat mix breads.

How to use: 1-3% to the flour


  1. low dose per use – concentrated use of 1-3% to the flour
  2. multi-purpose use – perfect for enhancing mix breads and special breads as well as classical wheat breads
  3. appealing flavour and taste – boosts the inherent flavour of wheat breads and wheat mix breads


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.81258 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bags
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto)
) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan ) [style] => [class] => mod_article first last )
UNIFERM WeizenKraft

Baking agent for wheat mix breads and white breads.

Wheat-rich breads looking fresh and enticing promising high pleasure are top sellers in every bakery.

UNIFERM WeizenKraft is the failproof baking agent especially for the production of wheat breads and wheat mix breads.

How to use: 1-3% to the flour


  1. low dose per use – concentrated use of 1-3% to the flour
  2. multi-purpose use – perfect for enhancing mix breads and special breads as well as classical wheat breads
  3. appealing flavour and taste – boosts the inherent flavour of wheat breads and wheat mix breads


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.81258 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bags
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto)


You’d like to receive additional information about UNIFERM?
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

post box 1661
59359 Werne

Telephone: 02389 7978-0 E-Mail: