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Crispness and flavour are the key criteria that decide whether customers buy your bread rolls or not. Baking malt and the agent formula Plus in our UNIFERM Rösch international enable a decision in your favour.
How to use: 2-3% to flour
- high processing safety – ensures optimal processing
- good stability of all pieces of dough – perfectly suitable for proofing time control
- tender flaky crispness
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.83050 Content25 kg Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner Palletising30 bags
10 layers, each with 3 bagsWeight of pallet750 kg (netto)
Bread roll improver for wheat bread roll products of very tender crispness
Crispness and flavour are the key criteria that decide whether customers buy your bread rolls or not. Baking malt and the agent formula Plus in our UNIFERM Rösch international enable a decision in your favour.
How to use: 2-3% to flour
- high processing safety – ensures optimal processing
- good stability of all pieces of dough – perfectly suitable for proofing time control
- tender flaky crispness
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.83050 | Content25 kg | Packaging materialPaperbag with PE-inliner | Palletising30 bags 10 layers, each with 3 bags |
Weight of pallet750 kg (netto) |