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UNIFERM FermFresh® Urgetreide is made by gently fermenting grains from emmer and einkorn wheat and refi ning them with our own UNIFERM spelt sourdough. The fresh product can be processed straight from the bucket. This is a versatile basic ingredient for creative bread and small baked goods and can also be used to refi ne existing applications and in-house recipes.

How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough


  1. High proportion of ancient grains (32%) – increase the added value of your baked goods in line with current consumer trends
  2. Clean label – fermented ingredients for a delicious, fresh taste without E numbers
  3. Improved dough properties – the fermentation process optimises the gluten properties of emmer and einkorn, enabling efficient dough processing


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.87362 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 buckets
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto)
) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article first last )
UNIFERM FermFresh® Urgetreide

UNIFERM FermFresh® Urgetreide is made by gently fermenting grains from emmer and einkorn wheat and refi ning them with our own UNIFERM spelt sourdough. The fresh product can be processed straight from the bucket. This is a versatile basic ingredient for creative bread and small baked goods and can also be used to refi ne existing applications and in-house recipes.

How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough


  1. High proportion of ancient grains (32%) – increase the added value of your baked goods in line with current consumer trends
  2. Clean label – fermented ingredients for a delicious, fresh taste without E numbers
  3. Improved dough properties – the fermentation process optimises the gluten properties of emmer and einkorn, enabling efficient dough processing


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.87362 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 buckets
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto)


You’d like to receive additional information about UNIFERM?
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

post box 1661
59359 Werne

Telephone: 02389 7978-0 E-Mail: