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Fermented fresh product based on whole germinated rye grains.

UNIFERM FermFresh® Roggen is a fresh product that provides freshness and the rich tasting flavour from the goodness of whole rye grains. Defined conditions ensure that gently germinated rye grains, combined with rye sour dough and potato flakes, ripen to become a fermented fresh product. Its paste-like texture is perfect to use it directly in all kinds od dough processing for breads and bread roll products.

How to use: depends on the type of baked good


  1. Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
  2. contains whole germinated rye grains – keeping your baked goods fresh over a long time
  3. paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.87330 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 buckets
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto)
) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article first last )
UNIFERM FermFresh® Roggen

Fermented fresh product based on whole germinated rye grains.

UNIFERM FermFresh® Roggen is a fresh product that provides freshness and the rich tasting flavour from the goodness of whole rye grains. Defined conditions ensure that gently germinated rye grains, combined with rye sour dough and potato flakes, ripen to become a fermented fresh product. Its paste-like texture is perfect to use it directly in all kinds od dough processing for breads and bread roll products.

How to use: depends on the type of baked good


  1. Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
  2. contains whole germinated rye grains – keeping your baked goods fresh over a long time
  3. paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.87330 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 buckets
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto)


You’d like to receive additional information about UNIFERM?
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

post box 1661
59359 Werne

Telephone: 02389 7978-0 E-Mail: