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Fermented fresh product based on pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds

UNIFERM FermFresh® Kürbis is a fresh product of multiple use that provides a fine fresh pumpkin flavour to your baked goods. This product is made by gently fermenting crunchy pumpkin seeds and tasty pumpking juice with potato flakes. During the fermentation phase the Clean Label ingredients are given plenty of time to intensify their natural flavours - something which provides baked goods with an extra shot of flavour - totally naturally.

Enrich your breads and baked goods with the fine freshness and the rich flavour of the goodness which pumpkin has to offer.

How to use: 20% on flour


  1. Declaration as pumpkin baked goods - high content of pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds
  2. Use of Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
  3. Concentrated use - variable use for different baking ideas


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.87340 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 buckets
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto)
) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article first last )
UNIFERM FermFresh® Kürbis

Fermented fresh product based on pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds

UNIFERM FermFresh® Kürbis is a fresh product of multiple use that provides a fine fresh pumpkin flavour to your baked goods. This product is made by gently fermenting crunchy pumpkin seeds and tasty pumpking juice with potato flakes. During the fermentation phase the Clean Label ingredients are given plenty of time to intensify their natural flavours - something which provides baked goods with an extra shot of flavour - totally naturally.

Enrich your breads and baked goods with the fine freshness and the rich flavour of the goodness which pumpkin has to offer.

How to use: 20% on flour


  1. Declaration as pumpkin baked goods - high content of pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds
  2. Use of Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
  3. Concentrated use - variable use for different baking ideas


Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet
Art.No.87340 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 buckets
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto)


You’d like to receive additional information about UNIFERM?
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

post box 1661
59359 Werne

Telephone: 02389 7978-0 E-Mail: