FermFresh®: Fermented products for genuine taste

natural ingredients (Clean Label declaration)
gentle fermentation
genuine aroma profile due to natural ripening
high degree of freshness because of pasty texture
long-lasting freshness of finished breads and baked goods

Array ( [id] => 1964 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 1408 [tstamp] => 1697527240 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® MeisterVorteig [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-meistervorteig-1964 [author] => 12 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-meistervorteig-1964" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => ^Y [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® MeisterVorteig [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 97 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 4 Questions: 3649946546 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697527240 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )Fermented fresh product based on wheat sponge dough.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Meistervorteig is an innovative, versatile fermentation product based on a wheat sponge dough with other fresh ingedrients including wheat sourdough and barley malt.
How to use: 5 % on flour
- clean label ingredients – easy to declare
- differentiation from competitors – thanks to an added value of flavour and enjoyment
- paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87210 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 PE-buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

Fermented fresh product based on wheat sponge dough.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Meistervorteig is an innovative, versatile fermentation product based on a wheat sponge dough with other fresh ingedrients including wheat sourdough and barley malt.
How to use: 5 % on flour
- clean label ingredients – easy to declare
- differentiation from competitors – thanks to an added value of flavour and enjoyment
- paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87210 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 PE-buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 2977 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 1472 [tstamp] => 1697528261 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Gerstenmalz [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-gerstenmalz-2977 [author] => 18 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-gerstenmalz-2977" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => ^Y [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Gerstenmalz [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 4 Questions: 3649946551 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697528261 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )Fermented fresh product based on malt and vital grain & seed-mix.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Gerstenmalz has what it takes: the gently fermented mixture of aromatic barley malt, linseed, wheat malt, wheat malt kernels, oat bran, sesame seeds, millet, shredded and maize flakes make the product a vital taste experience. The rye sourdough rounds off the the savoury taste.
How to use: 10 to 40 % on flour
- clean label ingredients – easy to declare
- unmistakable aroma profile - due to a combination of barley malt, vital grains & seeds and rye sourdough
- flexible ingredient - for a wide range of baked goods with a naturally traditional character,appealing browning and rustic crust crispness
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87320 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 PE-buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

Fermented fresh product based on malt and vital grain & seed-mix.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Gerstenmalz has what it takes: the gently fermented mixture of aromatic barley malt, linseed, wheat malt, wheat malt kernels, oat bran, sesame seeds, millet, shredded and maize flakes make the product a vital taste experience. The rye sourdough rounds off the the savoury taste.
How to use: 10 to 40 % on flour
- clean label ingredients – easy to declare
- unmistakable aroma profile - due to a combination of barley malt, vital grains & seeds and rye sourdough
- flexible ingredient - for a wide range of baked goods with a naturally traditional character,appealing browning and rustic crust crispness
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87320 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 PE-buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 1079 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 1568 [tstamp] => 1697528378 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Goldling [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-goldling-1079 [author] => 2 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-goldling-1079" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => }th{dQ [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Goldling [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 4 Questions: 3649946553 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697528378 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )Fermented fresh product based on juicy wheat germs and sour dough.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Goldling is full of pure freshness and healthy flavours: powerful wheat germs and valuable sour dough provide an excellent opportunity to improve the nutrition physiology value of baked goods in a most natural way.
How to use: 10 – 40 % on flour, 10 – 30 % on dough
- clean label ingredients – easy to declare
- best pastry flavor – with wheat germ and UNIFERM sour dough
- paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87300 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 PE-buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

Fermented fresh product based on juicy wheat germs and sour dough.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Goldling is full of pure freshness and healthy flavours: powerful wheat germs and valuable sour dough provide an excellent opportunity to improve the nutrition physiology value of baked goods in a most natural way.
How to use: 10 – 40 % on flour, 10 – 30 % on dough
- clean label ingredients – easy to declare
- best pastry flavor – with wheat germ and UNIFERM sour dough
- paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87300 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 PE-buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 1080 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 1664 [tstamp] => 1581585505 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Roggen [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-roggen-1080 [author] => 2 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-roggen-1080" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => }t[{dQ [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Roggen [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946562 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1581585505 [date] => 13.02.2020 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )Fermented fresh product based on whole germinated rye grains.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Roggen is a fresh product that provides freshness and the rich tasting flavour from the goodness of whole rye grains. Defined conditions ensure that gently germinated rye grains, combined with rye sour dough and potato flakes, ripen to become a fermented fresh product. Its paste-like texture is perfect to use it directly in all kinds od dough processing for breads and bread roll products.
How to use: depends on the type of baked good
- Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
- contains whole germinated rye grains – keeping your baked goods fresh over a long time
- paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87330 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

Fermented fresh product based on whole germinated rye grains.
UNIFERM FermFresh® Roggen is a fresh product that provides freshness and the rich tasting flavour from the goodness of whole rye grains. Defined conditions ensure that gently germinated rye grains, combined with rye sour dough and potato flakes, ripen to become a fermented fresh product. Its paste-like texture is perfect to use it directly in all kinds od dough processing for breads and bread roll products.
How to use: depends on the type of baked good
- Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
- contains whole germinated rye grains – keeping your baked goods fresh over a long time
- paste-like structure – simple to use for maximum freshness
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87330 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 1081 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 1792 [tstamp] => 1581585450 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Kürbis [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-kuerbis-1081 [author] => 2 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-kuerbis-1081" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => }{dQ [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Kürbis [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946565 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1581585450 [date] => 13.02.2020 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )Fermented fresh product based on pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds
UNIFERM FermFresh® Kürbis is a fresh product of multiple use that provides a fine fresh pumpkin flavour to your baked goods. This product is made by gently fermenting crunchy pumpkin seeds and tasty pumpking juice with potato flakes. During the fermentation phase the Clean Label ingredients are given plenty of time to intensify their natural flavours - something which provides baked goods with an extra shot of flavour - totally naturally.
Enrich your breads and baked goods with the fine freshness and the rich flavour of the goodness which pumpkin has to offer.
How to use: 20% on flour
- Declaration as pumpkin baked goods - high content of pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds
- Use of Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
- Concentrated use - variable use for different baking ideas
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87340 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

Fermented fresh product based on pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds
UNIFERM FermFresh® Kürbis is a fresh product of multiple use that provides a fine fresh pumpkin flavour to your baked goods. This product is made by gently fermenting crunchy pumpkin seeds and tasty pumpking juice with potato flakes. During the fermentation phase the Clean Label ingredients are given plenty of time to intensify their natural flavours - something which provides baked goods with an extra shot of flavour - totally naturally.
Enrich your breads and baked goods with the fine freshness and the rich flavour of the goodness which pumpkin has to offer.
How to use: 20% on flour
- Declaration as pumpkin baked goods - high content of pumpkin juice and pumpkin seeds
- Use of Clean Label ingredients – easy to declare
- Concentrated use - variable use for different baking ideas
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87340 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 1075 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2048 [tstamp] => 1581585396 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Dinkel [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-dinkel [author] => 2 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-dinkel" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => 1483225200 [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => }{dQ [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Dinkel [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946568 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1581585396 [date] => 13.02.2020 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )This fresh product sees the gentle fermentation of spelt products such as spelt malt grains and spelt wholemeal flours together with spelt sour dough; its flavour is enhanced by adding honey. FermFresh® Dinkel is the perfect ingredient for producing a wide range of various spelt baking ideas.Whether you want to create breads, snacks or pastries - you will be convinced by the nutty flavour typical of spelt and long-lasting freshness.
How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough
- balanced combination of spelt products and spelt sour dough
- natural ingredients for Clean Label declaration
- savoury and slightly nutty spelt flavour
- refined with honey
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87335 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

This fresh product sees the gentle fermentation of spelt products such as spelt malt grains and spelt wholemeal flours together with spelt sour dough; its flavour is enhanced by adding honey. FermFresh® Dinkel is the perfect ingredient for producing a wide range of various spelt baking ideas.Whether you want to create breads, snacks or pastries - you will be convinced by the nutty flavour typical of spelt and long-lasting freshness.
How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough
- balanced combination of spelt products and spelt sour dough
- natural ingredients for Clean Label declaration
- savoury and slightly nutty spelt flavour
- refined with honey
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87335 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 1416 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2176 [tstamp] => 1581585357 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Buchweizen [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-buchweizen-engl [author] => 4 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-buchweizen-engl" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => 1483225200 [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => ~<{dQ [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Buchweizen [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946572 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1581585357 [date] => 13.02.2020 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )UNIFERM FermFresh® Buchweizen is a gently fermented combination that contains 43 % peeled buckwheat seeds, rye sour dough and other fresh ingredients. Whether you want to create bread roll products or snacks or a rich variety of breads - the natural and easy-to-declare ingredients provide your baked goods with a typical nutty flavour and a high freshness profile.
How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough
Note: bread can be declared as buckwheat bread if 50 kg UNIFERM FermFresh® Buchweizen are added to 80 kg flour products
- high proportion of buckwheat (43%) adds value to the baked goods
- natural ingredients for Clean Label declaration
- savoury and rich nutty buckwheat flavour
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87335 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

UNIFERM FermFresh® Buchweizen is a gently fermented combination that contains 43 % peeled buckwheat seeds, rye sour dough and other fresh ingredients. Whether you want to create bread roll products or snacks or a rich variety of breads - the natural and easy-to-declare ingredients provide your baked goods with a typical nutty flavour and a high freshness profile.
How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough
Note: bread can be declared as buckwheat bread if 50 kg UNIFERM FermFresh® Buchweizen are added to 80 kg flour products
- high proportion of buckwheat (43%) adds value to the baked goods
- natural ingredients for Clean Label declaration
- savoury and rich nutty buckwheat flavour
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87335 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 2978 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2192 [tstamp] => 1697531346 [title] => UNIFERM Vita Levain [alias] => uniferm-vita-levain [author] => 18 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-vita-levain" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => ^Y [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:3:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM Vita Levain [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 15 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946577 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697531346 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )Active liquid sourdough for wheat breads, baguettes and small wheat baked goods.
With UNIFERM Vita Levain, you now have an active liquid wheat sourdough for the production of creative, enjoyable wheat baked goods. Create added value in your product range with premium baked goods à la française!
How to use: 5 to 15 % on flour
- Levain – the French sourdough – with active cultures for that special French taste experience
- Liquid consistency – ideal for flexible and direct addition
- Upgrading of the standard product range – clear visual and sensory improvement in the quality of all wheat-based baked goods
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87434 Content10 kg Packaging materialBag in Box Palletising60 Bag in Boxes
2 layers, each with 24 boxes and 1 layer with 12 boxesWeight of pallet600 kg (netto)

Active liquid sourdough for wheat breads, baguettes and small wheat baked goods.
With UNIFERM Vita Levain, you now have an active liquid wheat sourdough for the production of creative, enjoyable wheat baked goods. Create added value in your product range with premium baked goods à la française!
How to use: 5 to 15 % on flour
- Levain – the French sourdough – with active cultures for that special French taste experience
- Liquid consistency – ideal for flexible and direct addition
- Upgrading of the standard product range – clear visual and sensory improvement in the quality of all wheat-based baked goods
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87434 | Content10 kg | Packaging materialBag in Box | Palletising60 Bag in Boxes 2 layers, each with 24 boxes and 1 layer with 12 boxes |
Weight of pallet600 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 2979 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2200 [tstamp] => 1697532019 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® DinkelSauer [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-dinkelsauer-2979 [author] => 18 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-dinkelsauer-2979" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => 1483225200 [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => I / [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:3:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® DinkelSauer [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 94 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946594 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697532019 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )UNIFERM FermFresh® Dinkelsauer ferments the dough with a high-quality apple vinegar and salt. It creates natural freshness and a natural spelt flavour in various spelt products.
How to use:1-6% on flour, depending on product
- Easy to measure – liquid product
- Diverse applications – for a wide range of bakery products; not just spelt products
- 100 % spelt – for pure spelt products
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87400 Content11 kg Packaging materialBag in Box Palletising60 Boxes
2 layers, each with 24 boxes, 1 layer with 12 boxesWeight of pallet600 kg (netto)

UNIFERM FermFresh® Dinkelsauer ferments the dough with a high-quality apple vinegar and salt. It creates natural freshness and a natural spelt flavour in various spelt products.
How to use:1-6% on flour, depending on product
- Easy to measure – liquid product
- Diverse applications – for a wide range of bakery products; not just spelt products
- 100 % spelt – for pure spelt products
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87400 | Content11 kg | Packaging materialBag in Box | Palletising60 Boxes 2 layers, each with 24 boxes, 1 layer with 12 boxes |
Weight of pallet600 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 2980 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2204 [tstamp] => 1697534420 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-hirse-2980 [author] => 18 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-hirse-2980" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => 1483225200 [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => I / [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:11:"fermentiert";i:3;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946605 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697534420 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => fermentiert [3] => zusatzstoffefrei ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse: All the values of millet groats are transferred to UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse and enriched with valuable ingredients such as rye sourdough. The use of millet is often described as a "superfood", i.e. a food with high nutritional value, which makes bread based on UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse a "super bread".
How to use: individual, depending on product
- high content of millet seed (50%) - giving a significant proportion of this ingredient in the finished bread
- high dosing flexibility - ensures variety of baked goods
- the unique taste of millet - in a bread composition that takes you back to a traditional flavour
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87344 Content18 kg Packaging materialbucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse: All the values of millet groats are transferred to UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse and enriched with valuable ingredients such as rye sourdough. The use of millet is often described as a "superfood", i.e. a food with high nutritional value, which makes bread based on UNIFERM FermFresh® Hirse a "super bread".
How to use: individual, depending on product
- high content of millet seed (50%) - giving a significant proportion of this ingredient in the finished bread
- high dosing flexibility - ensures variety of baked goods
- the unique taste of millet - in a bread composition that takes you back to a traditional flavour
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87344 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialbucket | Palletising32 buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 2981 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2206 [tstamp] => 1697535129 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Hafer [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-hafer [author] => 18 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-hafer" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => 1483225200 [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => I / [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:11:"fermentiert";i:3;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Hafer [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946610 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697535129 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => fermentiert [3] => zusatzstoffefrei ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )UNIFERM FermFresh® Hafer: Lends a characteristic taste and freshness profile. The fermented fresh product with the trendy cereal "oat" is the basic ingredient for creative and oaty breads and baked goods.
How to use: 20 to 50 % on flour
- Special sensory benefits - fermented oat kernels give an attractive crumb structure and tender bite
- Oats are in trend - and set sales impulses
- Unique taste and freshness profile - thanks to natural and aroma-aged ingredients
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87345 Content18 kg Packaging materialbucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

UNIFERM FermFresh® Hafer: Lends a characteristic taste and freshness profile. The fermented fresh product with the trendy cereal "oat" is the basic ingredient for creative and oaty breads and baked goods.
How to use: 20 to 50 % on flour
- Special sensory benefits - fermented oat kernels give an attractive crumb structure and tender bite
- Oats are in trend - and set sales impulses
- Unique taste and freshness profile - thanks to natural and aroma-aged ingredients
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87345 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialbucket | Palletising32 buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Array ( [id] => 2025 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2224 [tstamp] => 1697531560 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® AromaDurum [alias] => uniferm-urgetreideferment [author] => 12 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-urgetreideferment" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => 1483225200 [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => I / [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:3:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® AromaDurum [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 15 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946619 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697531560 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )UNIFERM FermFresh® AromaDurum produces baked goods with a moist, golden crumb and golden-brown crust that are pleasing to the eye and make you want to discover new flavours. Thanks to the combination of durum sourdough and durum ferment in UNIFERM FermFresh® AromaDurum, the flavour potential of durum wheat is fully exploited.
How to use: 7.5 % on total flour (5 to 10)
- appealing crust appearance with a finely crumbled, short crust
- attractive, golden yellow colour play in crumb and crust
- good bakery freshness retention
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87439 Content10 kg Packaging materialBag in Box Palletising2 layers, each with 24 boxes Weight of pallet600 kg (netto) UNIFERM Aktiva internationalMore solutions for you:

UNIFERM FermFresh® AromaDurum produces baked goods with a moist, golden crumb and golden-brown crust that are pleasing to the eye and make you want to discover new flavours. Thanks to the combination of durum sourdough and durum ferment in UNIFERM FermFresh® AromaDurum, the flavour potential of durum wheat is fully exploited.
How to use: 7.5 % on total flour (5 to 10)
- appealing crust appearance with a finely crumbled, short crust
- attractive, golden yellow colour play in crumb and crust
- good bakery freshness retention
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87439 | Content10 kg | Packaging materialBag in Box | Palletising2 layers, each with 24 boxes | Weight of pallet600 kg (netto) |
More solutions for you:
Array ( [id] => 1965 [pid] => 196 [sorting] => 2240 [tstamp] => 1697535382 [title] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Urgetreide [alias] => uniferm-fermfresh-urgetreide-1965 [author] => 12 [inColumn] => main [keywords] => [showTeaser] => [teaserCssID] => [teaser] => [printable] => [customTpl] => [protected] => [groups] => [guests] => [cssID] => id="uniferm-fermfresh-urgetreide-1965" [space] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [published] => 1 [start] => 1483225200 [stop] => [multiSRC] => [orderSRC] => [sortBy] => [addGallery] => [articleText] => [pageslider] => [artImg] => I / [addArtImage] => [changeBGColor] => [articlebgColor] => [useAcc] => 1 [addBgImg] => [bgImg] => [addHeaderImg] => [headerImg] => [fullwidth] => [languageMain] => 0 [icons] => a:4:{i:0;s:11:"laktosefrei";i:1;s:5:"vegan";i:2;s:16:"zusatzstoffefrei";i:3;s:11:"fermentiert";} [headline] => UNIFERM FermFresh® Urgetreide [multiMode] => 1 [hl] => h1 [type] => article [Template] => Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array *RECURSION* [strTemplate:protected] => mod_article [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id$ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 159 [host_info] => db773215088.hosting-data.io via TCP/IP [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.7.42-log [server_version] => 50742 [stat] => Uptime: 10086875 Threads: 3 Questions: 3649946621 Slow queries: 58 Opens: 8940855 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 5999 Queries per second avg: 361.851 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 25219136 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => db773215088 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => db773215088.hosting-data.io [dbPass] => -xG+i3zMC[dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => dbo773215088 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) ) ) [column] => main [timestamp] => 1697535382 [date] => 17.10.2023 [backlink] => [elements] => Array ( [0] => ) [icon] => Array ( [0] => laktosefrei [1] => vegan [2] => zusatzstoffefrei [3] => fermentiert ) [style] => [class] => mod_article )UNIFERM FermFresh® Urgetreide is made by gently fermenting grains from emmer and einkorn wheat and refi ning them with our own UNIFERM spelt sourdough. The fresh product can be processed straight from the bucket. This is a versatile basic ingredient for creative bread and small baked goods and can also be used to refi ne existing applications and in-house recipes.
How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough
- High proportion of ancient grains (32%) – increase the added value of your baked goods in line with current consumer trends
- Clean label – fermented ingredients for a delicious, fresh taste without E numbers
- Improved dough properties – the fermentation process optimises the gluten properties of emmer and einkorn, enabling efficient dough processing
Art.No. Content Packaging material Palletising Weight of pallet Art.No.87362 Content18 kg Packaging materialPE-bucket Palletising32 buckets
4 layers, each with 8 bucketsWeight of pallet576 kg (netto)

UNIFERM FermFresh® Urgetreide is made by gently fermenting grains from emmer and einkorn wheat and refi ning them with our own UNIFERM spelt sourdough. The fresh product can be processed straight from the bucket. This is a versatile basic ingredient for creative bread and small baked goods and can also be used to refi ne existing applications and in-house recipes.
How to use:10-40% on flour, can also be trickled into the dough
- High proportion of ancient grains (32%) – increase the added value of your baked goods in line with current consumer trends
- Clean label – fermented ingredients for a delicious, fresh taste without E numbers
- Improved dough properties – the fermentation process optimises the gluten properties of emmer and einkorn, enabling efficient dough processing
Art.No. | Content | Packaging material | Palletising | Weight of pallet |
Art.No.87362 | Content18 kg | Packaging materialPE-bucket | Palletising32 buckets 4 layers, each with 8 buckets |
Weight of pallet576 kg (netto) |
Our promise to you
We at UNIFERM are proud to have one of the longest tradition and the most advanced production processes for producing fresh baker's yeast. This combination is the key to safety and reliability in your baking process. We give you three promises to our baking yeast:
Standardised gazing power throughout the year - permanent and reliable
State-of-the-art production processes provide proven gazing power durability.
Carefully selected yeast strains set a well balanced flavour in baking goods.
Your Contact
You have questions regarding our products or recipes? Or you simply want to know more about UNIFERM? Our specialist sales staff will be there for you.
You will find your personal contact here.